Ufone 2G Internet Packages Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly
UFONE is the best telecommunication of Pakistan who is serving from last many years in Country. There are countless cellular operators who use telecom service of this network and it always overcome to fulfill request of its valued customers. This network has introduced amazing UFONE internet packages for its customers and all the subscribers of this telecommunication can easily avail multiple internet offers for connecting with someone special and friends. Mostly mobile users want internet facility in cell phones and in this modern era largest number of people avail internet service through mobile. This telecommunication always introduces phenomenal internet features and it creates bundles by considering feed backs of subscribers. The first priority of this telecommunication always generates offers per customers request and it introduces exciting internet buckets for consumers with attractive incentives. In this modern era there are lots of people use smart phones and they also need proper internet service to avail different mobile application like WhatsAPP, Instagram and Viber so these kinds of people can easily activate various 2G internet offer of this network to connect with his/her friends and family by using various mobile applications.
UFONE Hourly internet package:
This is unique offer has launched from this telecommunication side for customers. Now all the cellular operators who used service of this network service can easily activate hourly internet package of UFONE to connect on net for an hour. This is really an exceptional offer for all those people who really need internet to use on urgently basis so now you can activate this offer to use for an hour and do your official works and other things by using that feature. The details of tariffs are given as below.
- Consumers can activate that hourly bundle by dialing 804 and choose option from the menu list.
- Subscribers will surely receive notification after activation of this offer.
- Consumers receive unlimited internet bundle to avail for an hour.
- The subscription charges are RS 15 plus tax.
- The validity is available for an hour into subscribers account.
UFONE Daily internet packages:
This telecommunication has introduced quality daily internet bundles to use for customers. All the customers who connected with this network can easily use internet facility in affordable rates. It always brings offers with cheap rates and customers can easily afford various internet features of this network company to use on regular basis. There are countless people who have huge social link on internet and they mostly consider being online on internet at anytime in a day. They consider a quality internet offer to avail by using his/her cellular phones to communicate with friends and buddies. This network company is providing various quality options to avail on daily basis. The details daily internet packages of UFONE are given as below.
Daily Bundle:
- Customers can subscribe that feature by dialing 804.
- The subscription charges are RS 10 plus tax.
- Consumers will receive message from help-center for the notification of activation.
- Subscribers receive 50 MBs 2G bundles to avail for a day.
- This is daily subscription offer.
Daily Super Bundle:
- Consumers can activate that bundle by dialing 810 and then press call button.
- The activation charges are RS 4.99 plus tax.
- Consumers receive 75 MBs internet volume to avail for a day.
- The validity will be remaining for a day in subscribers account.
UFONE Monthly internet package:
This network always introduces exceptional packages for its valued customers. It provides affordable monthly internet feature to use with properly. Those people who avail internet service by using cell phones so they consider monthly internet bucket to avail that facility. This telecommunication has launched 2G internet monthly bucket with reasonable charges all the subscribers can easily afford that wonderful bucket for thirty days. This is such quality feature for all cellular operators who use internet through mobile phones and they want to check internet many times in a day. All business people who really work tough so they really need internet facility on mobile phones so this telecommunication is providing astonishing monthly internet package of UFONE. The incentives details has mentioned as below.
- Subscribers can activate that deal by dialing 7813 then press call button.
- Consumers receive unlimited internet deal to avail between timing 2:00 am to 9:00 am.
- The subscription charges are Rs 30 plus tax.
- This is monthly base offer but consumers can avail between timing 2:00am to 9:00am.
- Other timing usage will be charged as per package plan.
Further Information:
- This telecommunication reserves authority to change charges and tariffs at anytime of these features without being informed of customers.
- There are no hidden charges in these facilities.
- Subscribers can also use other offers with these buckets.

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